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  • 27 Aug 2024 by 95Visual

    Welcome to the world of B2B lead nurturing where every connection counts. Think of it like planting a garden. You wouldn’t just toss seeds onto the ground and hope for the best. Instead, you water them, give them sunlight, and make sure the weeds don’t choke them out. That’s exactly what you’re doing when you nurture leads. They need consistent care and attention to grow into strong customer relationships. If you’re just throwing out sales pitches and expecting deals to close themselves, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity.

    Understanding B2B Lead Nurturing

    Picture this: You’ve got a prospect who’s interested, but they’re not ready to buy yet. Maybe they’re like a kid in a candy store—looking around, overwhelmed by all the choices, and not quite sure what they want. This is where lead nurturing comes into play. It’s about guiding them, helping them figure out what’s right for them, and making sure they think of you when they’re finally ready to make a purchase.

    In today’s market, buyers have more options than ever before. They’re bombarded with information, making it easy for them to lose sight of your business if you’re not actively engaging with them. Effective lead nurturing keeps you in the forefront of their minds, ensuring that when they’re ready to make a decision, they turn to you instead of your competitors.

    But lead nurturing isn’t just about staying visible—it’s about building trust. Buyers are more likely to do business with companies they trust, and trust is earned over time through consistent, valuable interactions. By providing relevant information, answering their questions, and addressing their concerns, you position yourself as a trusted advisor, not just another salesperson. This relationship-building approach can significantly increase your chances of turning leads into loyal customers.

    Key Elements of a Successful Lead Nurturing Campaign

    1. Personalization: Imagine trying to win someone over by calling them “Hey you.” Not exactly charming, right? Personalization is the antidote. By addressing leads by name and speaking to their specific needs, you show them they’re not just another number in your CRM. Personalization can be as simple as tailoring your emails to address the recipient’s specific pain points or as advanced as creating dynamic content that changes based on their behavior. When a lead feels understood and valued, they’re more likely to engage with your brand and move further down the sales funnel.
    2. Timely Follow-Ups: Timing is everything. Follow up too soon, and you’re annoying. Wait too long, and they’ve moved on. It’s like trying to catch a bus—you’ve got to be there at the right time, or it’s gone. The same goes for lead nurturing. Regular check-ins keep your leads engaged without overwhelming them. Use automation tools to schedule follow-ups at optimal times based on the lead’s behavior and engagement level. Whether it’s a quick “just checking in” email or a detailed follow-up after a webinar they attended, timely communication shows that you’re attentive to their needs and ready to assist when they’re ready to take the next step.
    3. Providing Value: No one likes a one-way street. If all you’re doing is asking for a sale without offering anything in return, you’re not nurturing; you’re pestering. Offering value at every turn—whether it’s insights, tips, or resources that make their life easier—is crucial. For example, if you know a lead is struggling with a specific challenge, send them a case study that shows how your solution has helped others in similar situations. Or offer a free consultation to help them identify areas for improvement in their current process. This not only demonstrates your expertise but also positions you as a partner in their success. This is how you become more than just another vendor; you become a trusted advisor.

      Value-driven content is key here. It’s not just about pushing your product; it’s about educating your leads and helping them solve problems, even before they buy from you. This can include blog posts, whitepapers, webinars, or personalized recommendations. The goal is to provide actionable insights that help them in their decision-making process, making you an indispensable resource in their journey.

    Why Lead Nurturing is a Game-Changer

    Lead nurturing isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a game-changer. Businesses that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales-ready leads at a 33% lower cost. These nurtured leads also make 47% larger purchases than non-nurtured leads. That’s the difference between having a pipeline full of warm leads and one that’s cold and stagnant.

    But beyond the numbers, lead nurturing builds relationships that last. It’s the difference between a one-time sale and a long-term customer. In the B2B space, where the sales cycle can be lengthy and complex, having a robust lead nurturing strategy ensures that you’re consistently moving prospects through the funnel and closing more deals.


    At its core, B2B lead nurturing is about being there for your prospects—guiding them, educating them, and helping them make the best decisions for their business. It’s not just about closing a sale; it’s about creating relationships that last. By focusing on personalization, timely follow-ups, and providing value, you’re not just nurturing leads—you’re building a foundation for sustained business success. In a market where competition is fierce and buyer attention is fleeting, mastering the art of lead nurturing can set your business apart and drive significant growth.



    Who is 95Visual & Joshua Maddux?

    95Visual is a leading web design and digital marketing agency based in Santa Clarita, CA, dedicated to helping businesses grow their online presence with custom solutions. We believe that every business is unique, and so are its challenges. That’s why we focus on creating tailored strategies that drive real results, whether it’s through innovative website design, targeted marketing campaigns, or comprehensive lead nurturing tactics.

    Joshua Maddux, the founder and CEO of 95Visual, has spent over a decade guiding businesses through the complexities of the digital world. With a knack for simplifying the most intricate marketing strategies, Joshua is passionate about helping companies not only survive but thrive in today’s competitive landscape. He’s all about building strong relationships—whether it’s between a brand and its customers or within the teams that drive those brands forward. Through 95Visual, Joshua has empowered countless businesses to achieve their goals by combining creativity, technology, and a deep understanding of what makes each client unique.

    At 95Visual, we don’t just design websites—we craft digital experiences that engage, convert, and keep customers coming back. And under Joshua’s leadership, we’ve become known for our commitment to delivering value and forging lasting partnerships that extend far beyond a single project. Whether you’re looking to revamp your online presence, develop a robust lead nurturing strategy, or simply need guidance on your next digital marketing move, 95Visual is here to help you navigate your journey to success.

  • 16 Aug 2024 by SCV Water

    In coordination with the City of Santa Clarita’s annual Road Rehab program, SCV Water will begin construction of a new pipeline on Bouquet Canyon Road near Newhall Ranch Road beginning Monday, August 19. Originally planned as part of a project to construct a new water treatment facility to address per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), the pipeline will connect wells to the Rio Vista Intake Pump Station, located just south of the Lowe’s shopping center.

    Construction of the pipeline will be done during overnight hours. During construction, a minimum of one lane of traffic will be open in both directions on Bouquet Canyon Road.


    Start Date: Monday, August 19, 2024

    Anticipated End Date: Friday, August 30, 2024

    Work Hours: 9:00 p.m. to 4:30 a.m.

    This phase of the water treatment facility project is being expedited so it coincides with the City’s ongoing Road Rehab work on Bouquet Canyon Road. As a result, the need to dig into the street and repave it again at a future date is eliminated.

    For questions about the construction of the pipeline or the water treatment facility project at the Rio Vista Intake Pump Station, please email SCV Water Principal Engineer Orlando Moreno at


    About SCV Water:

    The Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency (SCV Water) is a full-service regional water agency

    located in the Santa Clarita Valley. SCV Water provides water service to approximately 75,000

    business and residential customers. It was formed on January 1, 2018, when local water

    suppliers combined into one integrated, regional water provider. More information can be found


    For more information, please contact:

    Kevin Strauss

    Communications Manager - SCV Water


  • Running a business can feel like a non-stop deluge of meetings, Zoom calls, emails, and daily tasks.

    As a CEO or business owner, part of your job is to make sure everyone is working toward a shared mission and vision – bringing together different roles and responsibilities to meet your shared goals.

    But it’s unfortunately easy (and typical) to lose focus in the midst of the daily chaos and responsibilities.

    At Elevate, we specialize in helping CEOs and business owners take a step back and make time to reflect on their business growth and realign their actions with their big goals. Our founder, Ashley, guides this process known as Strategic Mapping… and it’s a serious game-changer.

    Who needs to do a Strategic Mapping session?

    There are a number of signs you may need to do some Strategic Mapping, including:

    • Feeling burned out or overly stressed
    • Feeling a lack of clarity or loss of vision
    • Lack of business growth
    • High employee turnover or dissatisfaction among team members
    • Decision fatigue or paralysis
    • Working too much without making time for the rest of your life
    • Clients leaving or sharing negative feedback
    • Revenue declining or cash flow issues
    • Noticing an increase in bottlenecks or operational challenges
    • No longer prioritizing your own professional development

    These sessions are perfect for leaders who feel lost, disconnected, or overwhelmed, and they are equally helpful for leaders who are focused, committed, and dedicated to turning goals into action.

    Whether you feel on top of your business or lost in the middle of it all, a Strategic Mapping session will give you massive clarity and put you squarely in the driver’s seat.

    What will a Strategic Mapping session do for your business?

    We recently completed a Strategic Mapping session with a client who came to us because they were feeling disorganized and having trouble making strategic decisions in their business.

    They described how the Strategic Mapping session was helpful from the initial paperwork through the two calls:

    “From the form in the beginning, I felt like this process was going to be worth the money, and I was right. I immediately started asking myself questions about this business that change how I approach things. I feel each session was well planned and organized, and the continued support after the sessions is helpful, too.”

    Strategic Mapping sessions are designed to create:

         ✔️ Clarity around your mission and vision

         ✔️ Clearly defined core values to guide your decisions

         ✔️ Defined priorities and objectives for the next 4 quarters

         ✔️ An aligned action plan focused on your goals + priorities

         ✔️ Organized due dates + plans for achieving your goals

    Sounds amazing! How does this all work?

    A Strategic Mapping session takes place over two 90-minute calls with Ashley, our founder, who is licensed in Strategic Mapping.

    The calls are completely customized to your business and designed to help you get clarity and pull back the layers of your business to tap into what truly matters.

    Your goals and priorities guide the entire process. But don’t worry; if you’re not clear on your goals and priorities, we will work with you to figure them out and empower you to pursue a clear direction forward.

    Like one recent Strategic Mapping client, you can choose to follow up your two sessions with ongoing support to give you the accountability and organization you need to stay on track with the plan we create during your Strategic Mapping session.

    This client shared:

    “We have many goals, and I feel monthly or quarterly calls would help greatly. I also like the referrals and templates shared.”

    You’ll receive a curated list of support materials and recommendations to implement your action plan. This can include things like goal planning templates, organizational tools, and recommended contractors or specialists to support your progress.

    Strategic Mapping sets you up for the most focused, intentional four quarters you’ve ever had in your business.

    It also comes with the tools and option for ongoing support to keep you on track and implement your action plan so you can reap all the rewards!

    What’s next?

    If you think your business would benefit from Strategic Mapping, we would love to hear more about the type of help you’re looking for.

    You don’t have to figure out everything in your business alone. In fact, many times, we are so close to our own businesses that it’s impossible to get the clarity we need without an outside perspective.

    If you’re looking to make some big decisions about how you want to grow or scale in the next year – this is the perfect service for you!

    And if you’re tired of feeling overwhelmed and stuck in the daily operations and you’d love some help taking a step back and looking at your business's big picture, don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule your Strategic Mapping session today!


  • 15 Aug 2024 by SCV Water

    SCV Water recently completed construction of the Wash Water Return and Sludge Systems Project (Project) at its Earl Schmidt Filtration Plant (ESFP), located near Castaic Lake. The additions will improve treatment plant operations, ensure regulatory compliance and reduce staff maintenance activities.

    “The completion of these modifications enhances the operational reliability of the wash water return system and the maintenance of the sludge collection system,” said SCV Water’s Water Treatment Manager Rafael Pulido. “And overall, this project has increased the resiliency of our water treatment system.”

    The Project, which cost approximately $18.8 million and took two years to construct, included the addition of two wash water return basins, one sludge thickener tank and one sludge drying bed to the water treatment system.

    Prior to the Project, the ESFP had two existing wash water return basins, one sludge thickener tank and two sludge drying beds.

    Part of the Water Treatment Process

    During the treatment process, water goes through filtration, which is the process of passing water through material such as a bed of coal, sand, or other granular substance to remove particulate impurities. The different materials work like a giant strainer and trap remaining particulates, but after time, the filters start to get packed full of particles.

    Water treatment operators clean the filters using a procedure called backwashing. Potable water is run backwards through the filters, releasing the entrapped particulates. This wash water is sent to the wash water return basins and, after a settling process, the wash water is returned to the head of the plant and combined with raw water from Castaic Lake to be treated.


    About the Earl Schmidt Filtration Plant

    SCV Water owns and operates two surface water treatment plants, the Rio Vista Water

    Treatment Plant (RVWTP) and the Earl Schmidt Filtration Plant (ESFP), that treats State Water

    Project surface water from Castaic Lake. Originally built in 1980, ESFP had a potable water treatment capacity of 33.6 million gallons per day (mgd). Since then, ESFP has undergone several treatment upgrades, including an expansion of plant capacity up to 56 mgd in 2006 when raw water ozonation, contact clarifiers, wash water treatment facilities, and other miscellaneous process modifications were added. Most recently, in 2024, two additional wash water return basins, a second sludge thickener tank, and a third sludge drying bed were added to improve treatment plant operations, ensure regulatory compliance and reduce staff maintenance activities.

    About SCV Water:

    The Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency (SCV Water) is a full-service regional water agency

    located in the Santa Clarita Valley. SCV Water provides water service to approximately 75,000

    business and residential customers. It was formed on January 1, 2018, when local water

    suppliers combined into one integrated, regional water provider. More information can be found


    For more information, please contact:

    Kevin Strauss

    Communications Manager - SCV Water

  • 11 Aug 2024 by Robin Litvak

    Feel the infrared difference 🔥 Our full-spectrum infrared saunas offer a range of benefits including stress relief, improved skin health, enhanced detoxification, and feeling GOOD in your skin.

    All saunas include a private room with personalized treatments and entertainment. Guests choose from red light therapy, an array of color lights, premium entertainment options, and set their temperature settings.

    Select sauna suites have private showers so you can rinse off and continue your day fully refreshed. SNØ SHOWERS currently included with iRitual memberships.

    • Reserve today and get your FIRST SESSION FOR FREE during VIP weekend. Only those on the reservation list will be invited - don't miss this opportunity to get the lowest rates!

    • Purchased memberships automatically renew each month
    • Active IRelax Membership sessions rollover for 90 Days
    • Cancel any time ✨


    Santa Clarita Valley Chamber members are eligible for member discounts on standard rates (does not apply to Founding Memberships, these are the BEST rates we will have!).


    Reserve your Founding Membership here!

    Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @perspirevalencia

  • The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) is now accepting applications for the California Competes Tax Credit (CCTC).  There are at least $215 million in tax credits available during this application period for businesses that are expanding and adding quality, full-time jobs in California that might not otherwise be created by the business or any other business. The deadline to submit applications is Monday, August 12, at 11:59 p.m. PST and the online application website will automatically close once this deadline has passed.  The online application can be accessed at   

    An updated application guide, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), a recorded webinar, and program regulations are available at  
    Businesses interested in learning more about California Competes can participate in free application webinars. The next webinar is: 
    August 1, 2024 | 3:00-4:00pm
    Details and Registration

    We encourage businesses to apply for this valuable state tax credit. For more information and questions please contact Linden Johnson at