- 20 Feb 2025 by Los Angeles County Assessor
February 20, 2025
Email: pio@assessor.lacounty.govCONTACT: Steve Whitmore
Office: 213.974.3101
Mobile: 213.407.0650Make Sure Property Ownership Records Are Up to Date
LOS ANGELES, CA - If your property was damaged or destroyed in the January wildfires, the Assessor’s Office wants to help you get the property tax relief you’re entitled to. However, to ensure a smooth process, it’s important that our records correctly show who owns the property.
Why does this matter?
Sometimes, our records don’t reflect the actual owner because a property was inherited but never officially reported to us. This happens when a property owner passes away, and their heirs don’t notify the Assessor’s Office of the transfer. If this information isn’t updated, it can lead to unexpected tax issues, including back taxes for multiple years if we later discover the change in ownership.
What should you do?
If you inherited a property but never reported the transfer, we encourage you to check our records and submit the necessary forms to avoid surprises. The required form is the Change in Ownership Statement/Death of Real Property Owner, available here.
Special Circumstances That Could Help You:
Certain transfers from a parent to a child may qualify for tax relief under:- Proposition 58 (for transfers before February 15, 2021): If you inherited property from a parent before this date, you may qualify to keep the existing tax assessment. Learn more here.
- Proposition 19 (for transfers on or after February 15, 2021): If you inherited a home and now live in it, you may qualify for tax relief. Learn more here.
By ensuring our records are up to date, you can avoid unexpected tax bills and make sure you receive the relief available to you. If you’re unsure about your property’s ownership status, we recommend checking with the Assessor’s Office as soon as possible.
Other Impacts
As impacted property owners begin the debris removal process, residents have the option to participate in the government-run program or manage the cleanup independently by opting out.
Residents affected by the wildfires have two choices for managing debris removal from their property. For those who choose to opt-in to the government-run debris removal program, property owners will need to complete the Los Angeles County Public Works Right-of-Entry Form which verifies ownership of the property.
Property owners can learn more about the debris removal process at the LA County Recovers website here.
More information, including a full checklist of required documents, about the LA County Public Works Right of Entry Form can be found here.
The deadline to opt into the government sponsored debris removal program is March 31, 2025.___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Los Angeles County Assessor Jeff Prang leads the largest local public property assessment agency in the nation. His office of about 1,400 appraisers and support staff are dedicated to creating an accurate and timely property Assessment Roll. This year, the Los Angeles County Assessor's Office conducted more than 2.5 million real estate and business assessments valued at more than $2 trillion.
- 12 Feb 2025 by Ashley Carlson
Love it or hate it, planning is a crucial part of any successful business.
At Elevate, we happen to love planning. We do all sorts of planning––for our clients, for our own team, and in our personal lives––and we’ve developed some really useful tips and strategies to make the process easier and more effective.
We know that most business owners, CEOs, and leaders don’t feel the planning love like we do, though… So today, we’re sharing our best-kept secrets to help you plan for different areas of your business like a pro.
Who knows? Maybe you’ll find yourself feeling like a natural planner after implementing the planning ideas we’re sharing here!
Planning Tips for When You’re Launching a New Offer or Running a Sale
Almost all of us will have at least a few promotional marketing periods on our calendars. Whether you’re launching a new offer or service, running a limited-time sale, or promoting something specific––this is a normal part of most marketing strategies.
But there’s one thing we find many business owners and CEOs skip, even though they go through this process somewhat regularly: delegating.
There are so many moving pieces included in a launch or sale that you can’t possibly handle them all yourself.
Yet if you don’t plan to delegate, it’s hard to effectively offload any of the work. (This may be why you’ve found that it feels harder and more time-consuming to delegate tasks instead of just doing them yourself.)
So the number one thing you need to plan before a launch or sale is what you will delegate. You’ll want to plan who you will delegate each responsibility to, as well as check-in dates to keep everyone on track (if needed, it depends on the level of delegation you’re using), and a way to measure everyone’s success.
Once you’ve taken care of this crucial planning step, there are some other areas you’ll want to plan for, including:
- Any bonuses or incentives you’ll offer buyers
- How the offer will be delivered (the “container”)
- A marketing strategy that aligns with your values
- What social proof to use to build trust with your audience
- Celebrations for small milestones throughout the launch period so you stay motivated and positive
Planning for Your Team
Did you know that teams that feel strongly engaged generate 18% more in sales? (Flair HR)
A little planning goes a long way in keeping your team more engaged, more productive, and more satisfied––which leads to better results for your organization. That’s a serious win-win!
So how can you plan for your team?
- Roles and responsibilities outlined specific to each person that’s coming onto the team so they understand your expectations and know what to do.
- Established KPIs so you can see where each team member is excelling and where they have opportunities for growth.
- Tracking in place for each platform you’re using so you can see where your marketing is working and where you need to focus more of your time, money, and attention.
- Everyone's requested time off and organization-wide holidays recorded so you can properly schedule projects and avoid delays in deliverables.
- Regular team surveys. Ask your team things like:
- How is the company doing?
- How are you feeling on a personal and professional level?
- How satisfied are you with the work you're doing?
A lack of planning typically leads to unmet expectations, missed deadlines, and a negative, uncertain culture.
Avoid all of those team challenges by planning ahead for your team and making sure everyone knows exactly what is expected of them.
Planning Your Workspace
Your physical space impacts your mental health and productivity. Turns out the old adage about “a cluttered space leads to a cluttered mind” is true.
We like to break your workspace into two specific elements for planning purposes:
- Your computer
- The physical space where you work (office, table, corner of your bedroom, etc.)
When you’re planning for an organized, efficient computer, we recommend that you:
- Only have work applications saved to your toolbar to keep distractions minimal.
- Clean out your files and folders at the end of every week.
- Empty your trash on a weekly basis after you clean up your folders.
And when it comes to your physical workspace:
- Have two screens for working if you regularly need to have more than one window open.
- Reset your desk on a weekly basis.
- Keep something nearby for taking notes throughout the day, and transfer those to a project management system at the end of the day.
Planning Tips for Making the Most of Your Free Time
The last focus area for planning today is the most fun: your free time!
Contrary to popular belief, planning for vacation, time off, and down time isn’t restrictive. It actually gives you more freedom to do the things you love!
Our experienced EA shared these tips for making the most of your time:
- Schedule regular blank space in your calendar every week.
- Go through your kids' calendars now and add any important school events to your calendar.
- Make a list of personal interests, hobbies, and enjoyable activities you want to accomplish.
- Plan to use your paid time off if you have it.
- Schedule downtime for your entire team.
- Prioritize rest during your time off.
A little planning ahead for your time off will give you more freedom, more flexibility, and more fun.
Need help planning in your business?
If you love the planning tips but realize you desperately need someone to help implement them––that’s where we come in!
From a 1:1 Operations Call with our founder to a Get It Done project or ongoing support from an Executive Assistant, planning is one of our superpowers. Let us help you plan your best month, quarter, and year in business yet!
- 07 Feb 2025 by PETS GLOBAL INC
Valencia-based Pets Global Inc., a pet food manufacturer, is coordinating with animal welfare organizations to distribute over 35 tons of its pet food to the Southern California communities affected by January’s wildfires.
The family-owned company has distributed more than 11,000 pounds of wet and dry dog and cat food to Pasadena Humane, Lange Foundation, Milo’s Sanctuary and Animal Wellness Centers and delivered an additional 11,500 pounds to Centinela Feed & Pet Supplies to support the Dream Center and other local fire relief efforts.
An additional 52,000 pounds of donated pet food, water and other essential supplies is being coordinated with local retailers and organizations throughout the Greater Los Angeles area in an ongoing effort to support as many pets and people as possible during this critical time.
“In times of crisis, our communities come together,” said Daniel Hereford, president and CEO of Pets Global. “We are honored to support our valued partners in providing relief to those affected by these devastating fires, and hope that these donations will help keep families together and ensure the well-being of their beloved pets.”
For more information visit https://pets-global.com/.
Source: SCVNews.com
- 05 Feb 2025 by Brian Tripp
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- 04 Feb 2025 by Southern California Edison
In January, dangerous windstorms and wildfires converged in Southern California, leaving a profound impact on our communities and presenting challenges for our customers. Edison International (EIX) and Southern California Edison (SCE) extend our heartfelt condolences to all those impacted by the wildfires and Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS), and we remain committed to supporting our communities through this difficult time. Our top concern is the safety of our customers, communities and team members.
1 | SCE Supports Restoration Efforts
2 | Assisting AFN Customers
3 | FAQ: When PSPS is Utilized
4 | FAQ: Billing for Affected Customers
5 | Downed Wire Safety
6 | EIX Commits $1 Million for Relief
Restoring Power to Our Communities
SCE remains committed to supporting those impacted. In the coming weeks and months, we will continue working alongside first responders, local officials and community organizations to help restore and rebuild affected areas. During the extreme weather events and over the past few weeks, through Jan. 31, more than 3,500 SCE crew members, contractors and mutual assistance personnel worked around the clock to:
- Clear debris from roads
- Rebuild critical grid infrastructure
- String 400,000 feet of power lines, or about 75 miles
- Set 1,265 poles
- Replace 380 transformers
SCE opened 24 customer service locations helping over 10,000 customers who visited in person. Our community-based organizations also helped thousands of customers to augment our efforts. We deeply appreciate the dedication and resilience of our crews, first responders and community partners, who have worked tirelessly to restore power and provide critical resources to those in need.
*Statistics as of 2/3/2025
Edison for the Record
At Edison, transparency is a reflection of our values. We work to uphold these principles every day, committed to serving you, the 15 million people who rely on us.
When we encounter inaccuracies and misinformation about our business, we are dedicated to providing you with the facts. This is our promise to you.
Click here to read more about the corrections we've made to recent media articles, online content and social media posts.
What is PSPS?
One critical tool Edison uses to prevent wildfires is the PSPS, in which we may temporarily shut off power to your neighborhood during dangerous weather conditions to prevent our electric system from becoming a source of ignition. In 2012, the California Public Utilities Commission gave the electric IOUs authority to shut off the electric power to protect public safety. "We only use PSPS as a last resort during extreme fire weather conditions to prevent a spark from our equipment starting a significant wildfire. While California continues to expect more intense, unpredictable weather events, we are committed to doing everything we can to reduce the need for PSPS and improve our operations and communications” said Jill C. Anderson, SCE Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer.
Assisting Those with Access and Functional Needs
To support individuals with Access and Functional Needs (AFN) during a PSPS, SCE develops its annual “AFN Plan” with assistance from regional and statewide AFN stakeholders, representing a broad spectrum of expertise.
Committed to addressing the needs of individuals with AFN before, during, and after a PSPS, SCE has established a partnership with the AFN Collaborative Council and the AFN Core Planning Team to seek guidance and address the “Why,” “Who,” “What,” and “How” to better mitigate risk and support individuals with AFN. SCE offers several resources and support to serve the diverse needs of our customers during PSPS events.
- Accessible Hazard Alert System (AHAS): Offers PSPS notifications and preparedness information in accessible formats for people who are Blind, Low Vision, Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, or Deaf-Blind.
- 2-1-1 Services: SCE partners with 2-1-1 to provide assistance before, during, and after a PSPS outage. 2-1-1 offers free, confidential services to SCE customers that connect customers to community assistance, emergency preparedness, food pantry, or meal delivery programs, as well as to transportation, public assistance, and other services and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. These services can be accessed by visiting 211.org, calling 2-1-1 or texting “PSPS” to 211211.
- Disability, Disaster Access & Resources Program: SCE contracts with the California Foundation for Independent Living Centers (CFILC) to offer the Disability Disaster Access & Resources (DDAR) program to eligible customers. DDAR will provide support to customers with disabilities or other AFN before, during and after a PSPS outage. To apply for DDAR, please visit the CFILC website here: CFILC DDAR Application.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Under what conditions will SCE call a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) event?
Answer: Strong winds combined with dry ground conditions can increase wildfire threat. These same winds can cause vegetation or other items to blow into power lines and could result in an ignition, possibly creating a significant wildfire. PSPS forecasting is based on weather modeling and input from fire scientists and meteorologists using modeling at a 1 or 2 km granularity. De-energization decisions are made based on data from local (pole-top) weather stations in the field and supported by live field observations.
Under these situations, we may shut off power to customers to keep you and your community safe. We understand that a PSPS event can create hardships for affected customers, and the decision to shut off power is never taken lightly. SCE considers high winds, low humidity, dry vegetation that could serve as fuel, and public-safety risk before implementing a PSPS de-energization as a tool of last resort.
Question: What will SCE do about customer bills for those that have been affected by the wind or PSPS event?
Answer: SCE recognizes the importance of providing assistance to our customers impacted by the wildfires and power shutoffs, and we remain committed to supporting our communities through this difficult time.
We have put customer bills on hold starting Wed. Jan. 8, for evacuated areas (some bills were sent Jan. 6 - Jan. 8, so unfortunately some customers received bills for usage prior to Jan. 8 during that time). We also have put on hold any late payment charges for evacuated areas. We are providing one-time bill forgiveness to residential customers whose homes have been destroyed or sustained major damage.
Generally, SCE is responsible for losses that occur due to our negligence. However, in most instances, we are not responsible for losses (ex. food loss or property damage) from unexpected power outages due to forces outside our control, such as weather-related conditions including wind, rain, fog, lightning, or extreme heat. Our policy is to respond to claims promptly and fairly. In evaluating claims on a case-by-case basis, we may review records, interview witnesses or employees, and perform a technical evaluation. Customers can help by providing thorough and accurate information and documentation. You can file a claim here.
Question: What is the PSPS notification process?
Answer: While every effort is made by SCE to notify customers in advance of PSPS events, the sudden onset of unexpected weather conditions may require SCE to de-energize customers with little to no advanced notification to prevent our electric system from becoming a source of ignition. SCE customers can sign up for PSPS alerts in English and other available languages at sce.com/pspsalerts, by updating their alert/notification preferences on their mySCE account, or by visiting: sce.com/customer-service/faqs/alert-preference-center.
Watch this video for more common questions about PSPS, inspecting equipment for potential hazards and keeping our communities safe.
Ask Us Your Questions: If you have a question related to SCE and our electrical service, please send to us in one of two ways:
- Contact your local SCE Government Relations Manager and pose the question.
- Send the question directly to our communications staff at SCE.LocalPublicAffairs@SCE.com.
We will go through all questions and answer them in priority order, based on the most popular or frequently asked. Answers will appear each month in this newsletter. Thank you for your interest and engagement with SCE Local Public Affairs!
Short Stories
New Construction Rebates for EV Charging
SCE’s New Construction Rebate Program for multi-family dwellings is accepting applications through July 12, 2025. This program offers rebates of up to $3,500 per port for the installation of customer-side electrical infrastructure work and Level 2 (L2) EV charging stations that exceed CalGreen code requirements. This is a fantastic opportunity for developers of new multi-family housing to build a green energy future. Don’t miss out on this chance to reserve rebate funds before the program concludes. For more information, please reach out to chargeready@sce.com or visit the New Construction Rebate program website.
Edison International Commits $1 Million to Relief Efforts
In response to the devastating, wind-driven wildfires sweeping through Southern California, EIX commits $1 million to support relief and restoration efforts:
- $150,000 to the American Red Cross
- Up to $100,000 to match contributions made by Edison employees to three local nonprofits: Los Angeles Regional Food Bank, Pasadena Humane and YMCA of Metropolitan Los Angeles
- $100,000 to a fund administered by America’s Charities to assist impacted employees
To read more.
Sign Up for SCE Newsletters
Energized by Edison is our company's digital platform for storytelling. You can sign up to receive two different newsletters:
A Weekly Newsletter captures all the Edison digital stories published during the week.
A Wildfire Mitigation Newsletter brings you the latest on SCE's efforts to reduce wildfire threats to the communities we serve.
Got questions about this month’s newsletter? Email us at SCE.LocalPublicAffairs@SCE.com.
- 03 Feb 2025 by Vance Wealth
simplify365®: Get Organized. Build Wealth. Achieve More.
Santa Clarita, CA — February 3rd, 2025 — Business owners now have a specialized solution to simplify their financial management and maximize their savings with the launch of simplify365®, a division of Vance Wealth.
Running a business is as rewarding as it is demanding. When personal and professional lives intertwine, business owners often seek ways to simplify both while still achieving their goals. That is the premise on which simplify365® was built: to provide clarity, ease, and actionable strategies for financial management.
Designed to address the unique challenges of running a business, simplify365® offers tailored solutions for tax planning, retirement plan design, and payroll optimization. With decades of experience in financial planning, simplify365® serves business owners at every stage—from startups navigating growth to mature companies focused on long-term success.
“At simplify365®, we believe financial complexity shouldn’t stand in the way of business success,” said John Vance, Founder of Vance Wealth. “We’ve tailored our services to meet business owners where they are—helping them simplify their financial lives, minimize tax burdens, and achieve both their personal and professional goals.”
Simplifying Financial Complexity
simplify365® is built to help business owners:
- Save More: Implement tax strategies designed to preserve wealth and minimize liabilities.
- Stress Less: Simplify financial management through seamless collaboration with accountants, attorneys, and other professionals.
- Achieve More: Shift focus from day-to-day financial tasks to driving business growth and long-term success.
This proactive approach extends beyond numbers. simplify365® is committed to helping entrepreneurs thrive and make a positive impact in their communities. By combining tailored strategies with expert guidance, simplify365® transforms financial management into a tool for building wealth and achieving lasting success.
A Legacy of Trust and Excellence
As a division of Vance Wealth, simplify365® benefits from the firm’s established reputation for excellence, client-centric service, and innovative financial solutions. This legacy of trust and expertise extends to simplify365®, equipping business owners with the tools they need to navigate the intricate landscape of financial management with confidence.
Get Started Today!
Take the first step toward simplifying your financial life. Schedule a complimentary consultation or request a free tax analysis at simplify-365.com
Media Contact
Shanele Stoll
Marketing & Sales Manager
Vance Wealth, LLC. ("Vance Wealth" or the “Advisor”) is a Registered Investment Advisor ("RIA"), located in the State of California. Vance Wealth provides investment advisory and related services for clients nationally. Vance Wealth will maintain all applicable registration and licenses as required by the various states in which Vance Wealth conducts business, as applicable. Vance Wealth renders individualized responses to persons in a particular state only after complying with all regulatory requirements, or pursuant to an applicable state exemption or exclusion.
Tax & Legal Disclosure: This plan should not be considered tax or legal advice. Clients should consult with a qualified tax consultant or legal counsel as to their particular situation and to discuss potential tax consequences.
Client recognizes that any and all recommendations made by Advisor are opinions only and are derived from sources and information believed to be reliable which the Advisor cannot warrant as to accuracy. Client agrees that Advisor shall not assume responsibility other than to render Advisor’s services in good faith.
Recommendations developed by Advisor are based on professional training, experience and judgment. Although every reasonable effort will be made to make accurate assumptions, no guarantee can be made that actual events will follow as assumed.
Nothing herein shall be deemed to protect Advisor against any liability to the Client in which Advisor would otherwise be subject by reason of malfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence in the performance of Advisor’s duty or by reason of Advisor’s violation of applicable law or of disregard of Advisor’s obligation and duties hereunder. It is further understood that neither Advisor nor any of its employees are qualified to render tax advice.
You should discuss any tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional. Please note, changes in tax laws or regulations may occur at any time and could substantially impact your situation. While we are familiar with the tax provisions of the issues presented herein, as Financial Advisors of Vance Wealth Inc., we are not qualified to render advice on tax or legal matters.
- 16 Jan 2025 by Elevate Virtual Business Solutions
What do you do when you put your shiny, new plans and strategies into place… and they hit a bump in the road?
Many of us spend so much time planning and dreaming for a new month, quarter, or year in our business that we don’t actually know what to do when those plans don’t go according to, well, plan.
That’s why being prepared to overcome roadblocks needs to be part of your original plan.
At Elevate, we’re always looking 3 steps ahead so we can anticipate potential issues and plan to avoid them in the first place or know exactly what steps to take if they do pop up.
And today, we’re sharing pro tips for identifying roadblocks and understanding how to overcome them or keep them from happening again!
What to do when obstacles get in the way of your plans
Start with a SWOT Analysis.
A SWOT–strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats– analysis is a helpful, structured framework highlighting what is working and where you have growth opportunities and are at risk.
If you want to be able to plan for potential obstacles, you have to know what they are. That information only comes through completing a comprehensive SWOT Analysis.
This should be your go-to first step to get a high-level overview of where your business is and what you need to be on alert for.
Look at the numbers.
What story is your data telling?
- Where do your KPIs show you're doing well or performing below expectations?
- It's tempting to write off bad numbers as a fluke or explain them away, but you're missing an opportunity to understand the why behind those numbers.
- When you rely on data instead of emotions or “gut feelings” to plan, adjust, and pivot–– you will be more accurate.
Tracking KPIs and taking time to understand what they are telling you is the key to overcoming the roadblocks standing between you and your team and the success you want to see.
Engage your team.
Don’t get stuck in your own tunnel vision!
Ask your team to share their experience and feedback so you can see how everyone else perceives the obstacles in your way. You may find the people on the ground doing the work are more aware of roadblocks and challenges than you are as a leader because they’re engaged daily with clients, customers, and processes impacted by the obstacles.
Bring in an outside professional.
Fresh, neutral eyes can be a lifesaver.
When it comes to evaluating your operational efficiency and identifying challenges, some things are nearly impossible to see from the inside. Working with a professional like our founder, Ashley, can illuminate issues and obstacles you can't see yourself.
Once you’ve overcome the obstacles… What’s next?
Congratulations! You completed a SWOT analysis, looked at your numbers, engaged your team, and brought in an outside professional to help you see what’s truly going on in your business, solve your unique, specific challenges, and overcome the obstacles in your way of success!
Now what?
The truth is that you’ll need to repeat this process again and again. As your business continues to grow and evolve, so will your obstacles and issues. But that’s okay––you know what to do!
And in between overcoming obstacles, you can always improve your business or department’s success by focusing on building the most effective team possible.
At Elevate, we're passionate about helping our clients set their teams up for success and are serious about empowering leaders to get the best results from each and every team member.
These are a few of the ways we do that that you can do, too:
- Outline clear goals + expectations.
- Set your team up for success with defined goals and specific expectations for their role.
- Commit to open communication.
- People want to feel heard, and open communication practices are the best way to keep everyone on the same page working toward the same clear goals.
- Celebrate wins, big and small.
- Never assume your team knows you appreciate them. Tell them! Celebrating individual wins and team achievements keeps everyone feeling motivated and appreciated.
- Schedule regular check-ins and a feedback framework.
- A successful team includes each member knowing where they can improve and being willing to implement constructive criticism. Make feedback a consistent process that your team members understand and expect for best results.
Need help identifying, overcoming, and avoiding business obstacles?
We have a number of services designed to help you! Anticipating potential roadblocks and creating clear plans for overcoming obstacles is what we do best.
Whether you need some 1:1 time to consult CEO-to-CEO or a dedicated team of professionals to step in and take over a major issue with our Get It Done Service, we have the solution you’ve been searching for.
Feel free to schedule a call if you need help figuring out which service is best, or go ahead and get on our calendar for 2025!
- 14 Jan 2025 by LA County Assessor
Disaster Relief Centers Set to Open Tuesday
Los Angeles, CA - The Los Angeles County Assessor Office is responding to the wildfires by providing expert staff to assist property owners who experienced loss of property in the fires. Owners of property damaged or destroyed are entitled to property tax relief and Assessor personnel will be on hand to assist them access services.
Local Assistance & Disaster Resource Centers
To provide immediate support, Local Assistance & Disaster Resource Centers will open to the public on Tuesday, January 14, from 1:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Starting Wednesday, January 15, these centers will operate daily from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
Westside Location
UCLA Research Park West
10850 West Pico Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Eastside Location
Pasadena City College Community Education Center
3035 E. Foothill Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91107
These Resource Centers will bring federal, state, and local officials together under one roof to offer vital services to residents impacted by the wildfires.
Assessor’s Disaster Response
The Los Angeles County Assessor’s Office is committed to supporting property owners during this difficult time. While a comprehensive damage assessment is underway, we are mobilizing resources to assist affected residents, including:
- On-the-Ground Support: Assessor staff will be present at the Local Assistance Centers to provide guidance and resources to property owners.
- Property Tax Relief: The County will process "Misfortune and Calamity" claims to provide property tax relief for damaged or destroyed properties.
“Misfortune and Calamity” Property Tax Relief
Property owners whose homes or businesses were damaged or destroyed by the wildfires may qualify for temporary property tax relief under the "Misfortune and Calamity" program.
Key Details:
- Eligibility: The damage must exceed $10,000 in current market value.
- Filing Deadline: Claims must be filed within 12 months of the date of the damage.
- Benefits: Approved claims may result in temporary property tax reductions, with values adjusted until repairs or rebuilding are completed.
For more information or to download the claim form (ADS-820), visit assessor.lacounty.gov/tax-relief/disaster-relief or call (213) 974-3211.
Assessor Office Updates
As of Monday, January 13, all in-person operations at Assessor offices have resumed. However, we encourage the public to use our website—assessor.lacounty.gov—to complete tasks online whenever possible.
It's also recommended to request the United States Post Office to hold or reroute your mail. Please go here for more information.
e-Service Account Sign-Up
We encourage property owners to sign up for an Assessor e-Service Account on our website. With an e-Service Account, you can:
- Enroll in the Homeowner Alert Program, which sends email notifications within 48 hours of specific activities on your property records.
- Access the e-File Program to handle property-related filings conveniently.
SCAM ALERT: Please note that the Assessor’s Office never charges for its services. Be cautious of individuals or organizations attempting to charge fees for property-related services.
We Are Here to Help
Visit assessor.lacounty.gov or call (213) 974-3211 to learn more about filing a claim or to receive assistance.
Let us continue to work together to support our neighbors during this challenging time.
Los Angeles County Assessor
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