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An Inside Look at How Strategic Mapping Can Impact Your Business

An Inside Look at How Strategic Mapping Can Impact Your Business

Running a business can feel like a non-stop deluge of meetings, Zoom calls, emails, and daily tasks.

As a CEO or business owner, part of your job is to make sure everyone is working toward a shared mission and vision – bringing together different roles and responsibilities to meet your shared goals.

But it’s unfortunately easy (and typical) to lose focus in the midst of the daily chaos and responsibilities.

At Elevate, we specialize in helping CEOs and business owners take a step back and make time to reflect on their business growth and realign their actions with their big goals. Our founder, Ashley, guides this process known as Strategic Mapping… and it’s a serious game-changer.

Who needs to do a Strategic Mapping session?

There are a number of signs you may need to do some Strategic Mapping, including:

  • Feeling burned out or overly stressed
  • Feeling a lack of clarity or loss of vision
  • Lack of business growth
  • High employee turnover or dissatisfaction among team members
  • Decision fatigue or paralysis
  • Working too much without making time for the rest of your life
  • Clients leaving or sharing negative feedback
  • Revenue declining or cash flow issues
  • Noticing an increase in bottlenecks or operational challenges
  • No longer prioritizing your own professional development

These sessions are perfect for leaders who feel lost, disconnected, or overwhelmed, and they are equally helpful for leaders who are focused, committed, and dedicated to turning goals into action.

Whether you feel on top of your business or lost in the middle of it all, a Strategic Mapping session will give you massive clarity and put you squarely in the driver’s seat.

What will a Strategic Mapping session do for your business?

We recently completed a Strategic Mapping session with a client who came to us because they were feeling disorganized and having trouble making strategic decisions in their business.

They described how the Strategic Mapping session was helpful from the initial paperwork through the two calls:

“From the form in the beginning, I felt like this process was going to be worth the money, and I was right. I immediately started asking myself questions about this business that change how I approach things. I feel each session was well planned and organized, and the continued support after the sessions is helpful, too.”

Strategic Mapping sessions are designed to create:

     ✔️ Clarity around your mission and vision

     ✔️ Clearly defined core values to guide your decisions

     ✔️ Defined priorities and objectives for the next 4 quarters

     ✔️ An aligned action plan focused on your goals + priorities

     ✔️ Organized due dates + plans for achieving your goals

Sounds amazing! How does this all work?

A Strategic Mapping session takes place over two 90-minute calls with Ashley, our founder, who is licensed in Strategic Mapping.

The calls are completely customized to your business and designed to help you get clarity and pull back the layers of your business to tap into what truly matters.

Your goals and priorities guide the entire process. But don’t worry; if you’re not clear on your goals and priorities, we will work with you to figure them out and empower you to pursue a clear direction forward.

Like one recent Strategic Mapping client, you can choose to follow up your two sessions with ongoing support to give you the accountability and organization you need to stay on track with the plan we create during your Strategic Mapping session.

This client shared:

“We have many goals, and I feel monthly or quarterly calls would help greatly. I also like the referrals and templates shared.”

You’ll receive a curated list of support materials and recommendations to implement your action plan. This can include things like goal planning templates, organizational tools, and recommended contractors or specialists to support your progress.

Strategic Mapping sets you up for the most focused, intentional four quarters you’ve ever had in your business.

It also comes with the tools and option for ongoing support to keep you on track and implement your action plan so you can reap all the rewards!

What’s next?

If you think your business would benefit from Strategic Mapping, we would love to hear more about the type of help you’re looking for.

You don’t have to figure out everything in your business alone. In fact, many times, we are so close to our own businesses that it’s impossible to get the clarity we need without an outside perspective.

If you’re looking to make some big decisions about how you want to grow or scale in the next year – this is the perfect service for you!

And if you’re tired of feeling overwhelmed and stuck in the daily operations and you’d love some help taking a step back and looking at your business's big picture, don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule your Strategic Mapping session today!