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  • 19 Dec 2023 by Kaiser Permanente


    California Community Briefing
    Medi-Cal Redetermination: Trends and Opportunities

    Dear Community Partner,

    We invite you to a policy briefing on Wednesday, February 7, 2024, from 10 to 11 a.m. on Medi-Cal Redetermination: Trends and Opportunities.

    Annual eligibility review resumed this year for the 15 million Californians who receive their health care coverage from Medi-Cal. This includes half the state’s children. During this virtual session, get the latest on how Kaiser Permanente and community advocates are helping keep Californians covered, and the initial impact of the “great unwinding” on the state’s most vulnerable residents. Join us and hear from the experts.

    Featured speakers:

    • John Yamamoto, Vice President, Community Health, Government Relations and Community Engagement, Kaiser Permanente
    • Mayra Alvarez, President, The Children’s Partnership
    • John Szczech, Director, Medicaid Management & Execution, Kaiser Permanente
    • Jean Nudelman, Senior Director, Community Health, Kaiser Permanente

    Please register no later than Thursday, February 1, 2024. A reminder email and link will be sent to registrants prior to the event.

    If you have any questions, please email Rose Works at

    Thank you and we look forward to your participation.


  • 18 Dec 2023 by Metro


    I-5 NCEP Weekly Look-Ahead: December 18 to 24, 2023

    Prepare for weeknight intermittent lane reductions in both directions between SR-14 and Parker Rd from 8pm to 6am to support all the below activities on I-5. Crews begin mobilizing at 6am and work hours are 7am to 4pm and 7pm to 6am on weekdays, and Saturdays as needed. 

    SR-14 to Magic Mountain Pkwy

    Weldon Canyon Rd Bridge shoring support installation. | Full Notice

    Gavin Canyon Undercrossing bridge falsework activity. Prepare for intermittent full lane closures and lane reductions in both directions on The Old Rd between Weldon Canyon Rd and Calgrove Bl, Monday through Friday from 9pm to 5am. View full notice for detour routes. | Full Notice  

    Calgrove Bl Undercrossing bridge stem forming, concrete placement, and striping activity.  Prepare for intermittent full lane closures of Calgrove Bl between The Old Rd and Wiley Canyon Rd, Monday through Friday from 9pm to 6am. View full notice for detour routes. | Full Notice

    Butte Canyon bridge grading activity in the center median between Pico Canyon Rd/Lyons Av and McBean Pkwy, adjacent to Vista Valencia Golf Course. | Full Notice

    Outside shoulder excavation, shoring, pipe installation, and retaining wall work in both northbound and southbound directions between Weldon Canyon Rd and Calgrove Bl. View full notice for schedule and detour routes. | Full Notice

    Center median retaining wall construction, concrete placement, and pipe installation between SR-14 and Magic Mountain Pkwy. | Full Notice

    SR-14 to Magic Mountain Pkwy

    Santa Clara Overhead bridge forming, rebar installation, concrete placement, backfilling, and striping activity between Magic Mountain Pkwy and Rye Canyon Rd. | Full Notice

    Castaic Creek bridge forming and concrete placement between Biscailuz Dr and Hasley Canyon Rd. | Full Notice

    Essential Details

    • Work hours: Monday through Friday and Saturday, as needed from 7am to 4pm and 7pm to 6am. Crews will begin to mobilize at 6am.
    • No two consecutive ramps in the same direction will be closed at the same time. Detours to the next on-ramp will be posted for each closure.
    • Traffic will be maintained in each direction.
    • All lanes will reopen by 6am each morning.
    • No lane closures will be implemented during morning or evening peak traffic hours.
    • The speed limit in construction work zones is reduced to 55 miles per hour.


    Access to emergency responders will be maintained. Construction is a dynamic process, it is subject to weather conditions, and information is subject to change, visit the project website for the most up to date information and a weekly listing.  

  • 13 Dec 2023 by MB2 Entertainment SCV



    Put the FUN Back into your Holiday Party this Year!

    December and January Dates are still available!

    Select from our convenient all-inclusive packages or personalize your own Winter wonderland of fun with our fully customizable event menus. Our menus feature seasonal favorites, delightful drink choices, and a plethora of activities and attractions that are certain to keep everyone in the group entertained, even those Grinches in the group.

    Book now and let us bring back the joy to your Holiday Party!


  • 11 Dec 2023 by Vance Wealth


    Vance Wealth financial planner Tyler Tilton completed his Certified Exit Planning adviser (CEPA®) credential, joining a specialized class of finance professionals who are trained to guide business owners toward a successful exit.  

    “We are very proud of Tyler for continuing to deepen his knowledge and improve his skills for the sake of our clients,” said John Vance, president and visionary. “His expertise and training adds value to our entire firm, as we collaborate to provide the best service possible. His achievement is an excellent example of one of our firm’s core values: a commitment to continuous growth.”  

    The CEPA® credential, accredited through the Exit Planning Institute, teaches advisers how to integrate a business owner’s business, personal and financial goals into a master plan. Exit Planning Institute President, Scott Snider, shares, "A significant company is one that is ready, attractive, valuable, and transferrable at any given time. The company is near best-in-class performance while having employees, vendors, and partners that enjoy working there and are part of a culture." 

    “This methodology provides a sturdy framework for executing exit strategies as a holistic adviser,” Tilton explained. “Exit planning is about more than just creating a plan that you print out and put in a desk drawer; it’s a proactive strategy rooted in execution that grows value by expanding the owner’s options, so they can transition their business on their own terms.” 

    The CEPA® credential has only been achieved by roughly 4,000 professionals in the United States. In addition to this special designation, Tilton is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) and Chartered Retirement Plans Specialist (CRPS®). The combination of his professional experience and continuing education give Tilton a depth of knowledge that’s specifically suited to prepare business owners for success from startup to sale.  

    “I’m looking forward to helping business owners build value into their companies — whether that’s to maintain it, sell it or just build a better business,” Tilton said.  

    Raised among entrepreneurs and Wall Street executives, Tilton understands the leadership, management and financial sides of a business owner’s journey, and he guides clients through every stage of growth. In addition to serving his own client base as a wealth adviser, Tilton also oversees Simplify365®, a division of Vance Wealth developed with the business owner’s busy life in mind.  

    Tyler Tilton serves Santa Clarita, Pasadena and Newport Beach. To see how Tyler can help you or your business, please call 661-775-0950 to schedule a complimentary consultation, or visit  


  • 11 Dec 2023 by Metro

    I-5 NCEP Weekly Look-Ahead: December 11 to 17, 2023

    Prepare for weeknight intermittent lane reductions in both directions between SR-14 and Parker Rd from 8pm to 6am to support all the below activities on I-5. Crews begin mobilizing at 6am and work hours are 7am to 4pm and 7pm to 6am on weekdays, and Saturdays as needed. 

    SR-14 to Magic Mountain Pkwy

    Gavin Canyon Undercrossing bridge falsework activity. Prepare for intermittent full lane closures of The Old Rd between Weldon Canyon Rd and Calgrove Bl, Monday through Friday from 9pm to 5am. Additionally, lanes have been reduced from two to one in both northbound and southbound directions along The Old Rd at Gavin Canyon Bridge through Winter 2024. View full notice for detour routes. | Full Notice  

    Calgrove Bl Undercrossing bridge stem forming and installations.  Prepare for intermittent full lane closures of Calgrove Bl between The Old Rd and Wiley Canyon Rd, Monday through Friday from 9pm to 6am. View full notice for detour routes. | Full Notice

    Southbound outside shoulder excavation, shoring, and retaining wall work between Weldon Canyon Rd and Calgrove Bl. View full notice for schedule and detour routes. | Full Notice

    Center median retaining wall construction and drainage system installations between SR-14 and Magic Mountain Pkwy. | Full Notice

    SR-14 to Magic Mountain Pkwy

    Santa Clara Overhead bridge forming, rebar installation, concrete placement, backfilling, and striping activity between Magic Mountain Pkwy and Rye Canyon Rd. | Full Notice

    Castaic Creek bridge forming, rebar installation, and concrete placement between Biscailuz Dr and Hasley Canyon Rd. | Full Notice

    Center median concrete placement between Magic Mountain Pkwy and Valencia Bl. | Full Notice

    Essential Details

    • Work hours: Monday through Friday and Saturday, as needed from 7am to 4pm and 7pm to 6am. Crews will begin to mobilize at 6am.
    • No two consecutive ramps in the same direction will be closed at the same time. Detours to the next on-ramp will be posted for each closure.
    • Traffic will be maintained in each direction.
    • All lanes will reopen by 6am each morning.
    • No lane closures will be implemented during morning or evening peak traffic hours.
    • The speed limit in construction work zones is reduced to 55 miles per hour.


    Access to emergency responders will be maintained. Construction is a dynamic process, it is subject to weather conditions, and information is subject to change, visit the project website for the most up to date information and a weekly listing. 

  • 08 Dec 2023 by Flair Cleaners

    Donate November 24 through December 31 and help our neighbors in need.

    STUDIO CITY, Calif., – It’s time to clean our closets for charity and support the Flair Cleaners 21st Annual Holiday Clothing and Shoe Drive from November 24 through December 31, 2023. Customers and community members can donate at any of Flair Cleaners four locations. Pickup and Delivery customers may leave a clearly marked bag out with their orders. Donations will be given to the National Council of Jewish Women, the San Fernando Valley Rescue Mission and The Salvation Army Santa Monica.

    “The numbers are staggering: 58,936 people in Los Angeles County are experiencing homelessness and six out of 10 of these are without housing for the first time. Without homes, many of these individuals lack basic needs including clothing and shoes,” said  Gary Futterman, owner of Flair Cleaners. “This annual event makes it easy for our customers to not only clear their closets of unused items but helps our communities and neighbors in need.”

    Items needed most:

    • Clothing in men’s, women’s, and children’s sizes
    • Extra-large and tall sizes are needed (XL, XXL, XXXL shirts)
    • Business attire
    • New socks and undergarments (used items will not be accepted)
    • Sun hats and ball caps
    • Shoes in men’s, women’s, and children’s sizes
    • Coats, beanies, and gloves
    • Pajamas, tops and bottoms

    Donating Tips:

    • Before donating, consider the dignity of the person receiving your donation.
    • Never give something you wouldn’t be willing to wear.
    • Be sure that all used clothing is clean, of good quality, and ready to wear (no repairs needed).
    • Remember to empty all pockets before donating.

  • 07 Dec 2023 by City of Santa Clarita


                A Southern California Edison Electric System Upgrade on Lyons Avenue will begin on Monday, December 11. Southern California Edison, along with their contractor, HotLine Construction Inc., will perform underground vault and conduit installations on Lyons Avenue, from Railroad Avenue to Wiley Canyon Road. The work will temporarily affect the Number 1 and Number 2 eastbound lanes.

                Work hours will take place at night, Monday through Friday from 8:30 p.m. to 4:30 a.m., excluding City observed holidays. Drivers are asked to be aware of the lane closures and to plan their routes accordingly. Electronic message boards will be posted to inform motorists of upcoming lane closures. Drivers are reminded to please reduce their speed through the construction zone. Safety is the number one priority around all construction work, and the City of Santa Clarita is closely collaborating with the utility companies to ensure the least inconvenience to the community. The work is scheduled to be completed by August 30, 2024.

                For more information about the project, please contact Assistant City Engineer Amalia Marreh at or call (661)255-4363.

  • 04 Dec 2023 by City of Santa Clarita


    Santa Clarita Transit Returns to Full Service

                The City of Santa Clarita is pleased to announce that MV Transportation and the union that represents the bus drivers came to an agreement on Sunday, ending the strike. This resolution brings the restoration of regular local, commuter, Dial-A-Ride and ADA services to residents beginning today, Monday, December 4.

    Please continue to follow Santa Clarita Transit on (X) Twitter for the latest updates, @SCTBus and continue to utilize for routes, schedules, services and more. For questions regarding service and routes, please call (661) 295-6300.

  • 01 Dec 2023 by Metro



    I-5 NCEP Weekly Look-Ahead: December 4 to 10, 2023

    Construction Update Community Meeting Recap   
    Thank you for joining the I-5 North County Enhancements Project team at our November Construction Update Community Meeting.

    We presented an outline of recent and upcoming activities, including a recap of the successful demolition of the Weldon Canyon Rd bridge. We also provided information on the upcoming activities for multiple I-5 bridge extensions, as well as plans to resume sound wall construction at the northern end of the project.

    If you missed the meeting, below are links to the presentation and meeting recording. Meeting Presentation | Meeting Recording | Weldon Canyon Rd Bridge Demolition Video

    Prepare for weeknight intermittent lane reductions in both directions between SR-14 and Parker Rd from 8pm to 6am to support all the below activities on I-5. Crews begin mobilizing at 6am and work hours are 7am to 4pm and 7pm to 6am on weekdays, and Saturdays as needed. 

    SR-14 to Magic Mountain Pkwy

    Gavin Canyon Undercrossing bridge falsework activity. Prepare for intermittent full lane closures of The Old Rd between Weldon Canyon Rd and Calgrove Bl, Monday through Friday from 9pm to 5am. View full notice for detour routes. | Full Notice  

    Calgrove Bl Undercrossing bridge rebar and stem installations.  Prepare for intermittent full lane closures of Calgrove Bl between The Old Rd and Wiley Canyon Rd, Monday through Friday from 9pm to 6am. View full notice for detour routes. | Full Notice

    Southbound outside shoulder excavation, shoring, and retaining wall work between Weldon Canyon Rd and Calgrove Bl. View full notice for schedule and detour routes. | Full Notice

    Center median retaining wall construction and drainage system installations between SR-14 and Magic Mountain Pkwy. | Full Notice

    SR-14 to Magic Mountain Pkwy

    Santa Clara Overhead bridge forming of girders and bents, rebar installation and concrete placement between Magic Mountain Pkwy and Rye Canyon Rd. | Full Notice

    Castaic Creek bridge forming, rebar installation, and concrete placement between Biscailuz Dr and Hasley Canyon Rd. | Full Notice

    Center median concrete placement and pipe replacement between Hasley Canyon Rd and Parker Rd. | Full Notice

    Essential Details

    • Work hours: Monday through Friday and Saturday, as needed from 7am to 4pm and 7pm to 6am. Crews will begin to mobilize at 6am.
    • No two consecutive ramps in the same direction will be closed at the same time. Detours to the next on-ramp will be posted for each closure.
    • Traffic will be maintained in each direction.
    • All lanes will reopen by 6am each morning.
    • No lane closures will be implemented during morning or evening peak traffic hours.
    • The speed limit in construction work zones is reduced to 55 miles per hour.


    Access to emergency responders will be maintained. Construction is a dynamic process, it is subject to weather conditions, and information is subject to change, visit the project website for the most up to date information and a weekly listing.