Register for our Social Security & Medicare Webinar: What you Need to Know!
26 Sep 2022
Vance Wealth
Join us Tuesday, October 4th at 4:30PM (PST) for our Advanced Perspective webinar hosted by Jerrod Ferguson, Vice President of Vance Wealth, and Steve Lujan, The Medicare Man. We hope to provide clarity on these complex issues so that you can make the best decisions for your personal situation.
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Many retirees apply for Social Security before reaching full retirement age without fully understanding how this may impact them and their spouse. When it comes to Medicare, there are multiple enrollment windows, and if you miss your personal window, you may be faced with a lifetime penalty or, worse, finding yourself uninsured. Tune in to learn how to avoid these costly mistakes.
We will cover:
- When and how to start receiving Social Security.
- The effect of remarriage on survivor social security benefits for widowed and divorced spouses.
- Should you take Social Security at the earliest possible age? Learn what this may cost you.
- What is Original Medicare?
- Understand the many windows to sign up for Medicare.
- Why does everyone need additional private insurance in addition to Medicare?
As always, you can ask your question live during the webinar! You must register to attend!